The problems of feed quality in hubei were that ( 1 ) the rate of feed fitness in hubei is 5 % lower than that of the average of the nation simultaneity ; ( 2 ) banned medicine was still used in some enterprise ; ( 3 ) the indexes of feed hygiene in some feed products exceeded the feed hygiene standard of china ; ( 4 ) operate the unit numbers problem serious ; ( 5 ) feed label was not in accordance with the standard that the enterprise carried out ; ( 6 ) the area of feed dealing was mess ; ( 7 ) a few enterprises imitated the others feed label with intention ; ( 8 ) the standard of feed products of some enterprises were not scientific 湖北省饲料质量状祝评估研究总体来看,我省饲料产品整体质量状况不容乐观,突出表现为8个方而的问题:一是合格率偏低,与全国同期各阶段抽查情况来比较,我省的合格率一般低5个百分点左右;二是违禁添加药物现象依然存在;三是饲料产品卫生指标超标严重:四是饲料经营环节质量问题突出;五是饲料产品标签不规范;六是部分饲料生产企业内部管理混乱,管理水平急待加强和提高;七是少数饲料生产企业有意造假;八是部分饲料产品企业标准不科学。